Global Community
The structure of online learning and the immersion module create the unique opportunity to learn and benefit from a global community of like-minded caregivers from around the world. Graduates of our Certificate in Contemplative End-of-Life Care have come from North and South America, India, China, Europe and Australia.
Fostering a sense of community and fellowship is one of the key factors in addressing the sense of isolation so often reported by many working in the field. Building a strong community contributes to making lasting changes in the way end-of-life care is delivered.
Abhijit Dam, Graduate, Jarkhand India.
Dr. Abhijit Dam started a small hospice and practices rural end-of-life care. Two of our graduates have traveled to India to shadow and work with Dr. Dam
Dr. Laura Aresca – Founder of Paliar Hospica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cristian has been in our hospice for several months and has lived with a brain tumor since 2014. His wish is to be published and feels his mission is “helping people to prepare to die, but to not forget to live”. He says that since he has been ill, his life has taken on another sense and dimension. He feels cared for and loved, more than ever before, and despite the limitations that his illness generates he feels life is full. Cristian is going blind yet he has discovered painting, is in charge of watering the plants, accompanies patients who are alone, and offers comfort to families. He is an inspiration for all of us.